Monday, September 29, 2008


Welcome to Orange Rhyme Music.

I'll try to keep it snappy and fresh, blogging about artists as frequently as possible. There's a lot of great music out there, and I hope to not only find it, but help you find it as well. To me, we live on the forefront of what I like to call a hyperculture. Never before has culture been so readily accessible and easily distributed. Not only is it easier for artists to get their music out there, it's also easier for artists to produce high quality material. Our generation listens to more music than any generation before. We have iTunes libraries with thousands of songs, with music from artists all over the world— music recorded/produced yesterday, and music made when our parents were our age. Everyday exponentially more music is produced, and our libraries continue to grow. More time passing only means that we will have more great music. So we should not dwell over "bad times" in the music industry, with bad pop music, but only hope that in the future better music will be produced more frequently. But who are we to complain? If we're in a low time with music, we can just go back a decade or two.

In the mean time, expect the latest and greatest here. I like music of all types, genres, and levels of complexity. Good music makes you sing a long, tap your feet, dance, and groove. Whether it's a two chord progression or an eight chord progression, if it's good music it is good music.

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